Yevgeny Geller’s “MatriX” Game at the Tolerance Centre
On the 7th July, the Tolerance Centre team took part in a demo of the “MatriX” game devised by our partner and friend Yevgeny Geller. The game aids in considering strategic points in the planning and development process by means of non-standard, creative techniques. In other words, our needs, the desired audience, the tools at our disposal and much else besides are painted in an unexpected light. Imagination, memory and personal experience need to be activated so that, in the second hour of the game, the full 3D spectrum of all avenues and possibilities of work can unfold before you into a concrete project.
Such an approach is close to the way of thinking employed by our team at the Centre. We love to extend our horizons and look at familiar things in a new way, all of which enables us to offer a distinctly unique product.
Thanks are extended to Yevgeny Geller and Rafael Tuniev for holding this creative strategy game, for their sharing of personal experience and for their cooperation in general!
More detailed info on the game can be found on Yevgeny Geller’s Facebook page: